World Sterile Sciences Day - 10th April 2018

Photos Dunedin 2017
January 18, 2018
Attention - Re Attune Balanced Sizer Tray
March 18, 2018

World Sterile Sciences Day on the 10th April is the chance to celebrate the excellent work produced by our departments and the sterile technicians around New Zealand.

What are you going to do to celebrate?

Last year my department held an open session for DHB staff to com and visit and learn about CSSD. I set aside 2 hours but could have done with three times that amount of time . We were surprised by the numbers who turned up. The DHB communications team were roped in to advertise the event on our intranet and the team put up photos and posters on the wall outside the department. We will do the same but better this year.

Let us know what you are going to do and take photos and the NZSSA will put up on the website.

Have fun

Shelagh Thomas

President NZSSA