The NZSSA has had a long association with the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand and it was assumed that when the green light was given by NZQA to develop and deliver the Diploma in Sterilising Technology and the L4 Certificate in Sterilising Technology it would be business as usual with the Open Polytechnic. Unfortunately nothing has eventuated and repeated requests for commencement dates have gone unheaded. I have heard today that the Open Polytechnic has emailed and current and lapsed students of the L5 advanced certificate advising them that there shall be a cut off date for them to complete their studies. After that date the Open Polytechnic will no longer be delivering the papers.
I am very disappointed in the leadership of the Open Polytechnic who have not had the decency to contact the NZSSA (the major stakeholder in the programme) and inform them of these changes.
The GOOD NEWS is that the NZSSA has been working behind the scenes to enable the future education of its members.
I am very pleased to announce that we have secured a provider who will deliver the L3, L4 courses and the L5 Diploma.
The new provider is a mainstream Polytechnic with an excellent EER revue. They have an excellent health sciences school which will be of great benefit to our members. This union will also give opportunities for our members to undertake other courses of benefit such as study in infection control.
It will be up to the members to ensure that they do undertake study in order for the courses to be continued to be delivered into the future.
It is anticipated that there will be recognition of prior learning for those who have already received the L5 Advanced Cert in Sterilising Technology and with a further 1-2 papers they can achieve the diploma.
An announcement of the details of the new provider and expected start dates for the new courses will be made at this years NZSSA conference in Auckland from 19th -21st September.
Shelagh Thomas