To all NZSSA Members
Many of you will have seen or heard this mornings article on the Breakfast Show on TV3. It stems from an OIA request sent out to all DHB’s post the event at Hawkes Bay DHB. I believe that the data that they collected and presented this morning was old data, of events that occurred previously.
It is never nice to know that it is your profession that is under the spotlight . In saying that we all know that mistakes have happened in the past, However in looking to the future we as a group must ensure that there are no more errors going forward. Each and everyone of us is responsible for the work we do and we must be beyond reproach.
How do we do this?
Let us all come through this difficult time better and stronger and supporting each other. Large DHB’s help your smaller neighbours, small DHB’s ask for support.
best wishes
Shelagh Thomas
President NZSSA