NZSSA Position Re Return of Loan Sets

Coming Soon-Members Only Page
September 10, 2019
November 24, 2019

Following on from discussion at the NZSSA conference 2019, a letter has been forwarded to MTANZ and the Orthopaedic group made up of the loan set companies. The discussion was based around whether there was a requirement to both clean and thermally disinfect and sterilise loan sets prior to their return to the supplier. The best practice standard, AS/NZS 4187:2014, clause 5.1.3 (c) states; ”prior to its release off-site a loan or trial RMD shall be processed at a minimum by a validated cleaning and high level disinfection process in accordance with the RMD manufacturer’s instructions.The NZSSA, and its members, have agreed that all loan or trial RMD shall be returned cleaned and thermally disinfected only,prior to return to the suppliers. Where the RMD manufacturer’s instructions allow it this will be completed through a validated washer disinfector. RMD users will verify the method and level of reprocessing by including a certificate to accompany the loan or trial RMD.

Shelagh Thomas President NZSSA 26 September 2019