The NZSSA received a question asking if we should be doing anything different in CSSD during this crisis.
The answer is: NO. Do what you always do.
- All used surgical single instruments and sets coming from theatre wards and clinics into the decontamination area are all classified as contaminated.
- All staff in decontamination should be wearing full PPE of face shield, gown and gloves.
- Safely dispose of used PPE after use.
- Machine was and thermally disinfect all sets where possible.
- Once sets have been washed process as normal in clean room.
- Staff to ensure good hand hygiene practices.
- No cell phones in CSSD
- All surfaces in clean room and decontamination should be cleaned each morning.
- Staff should wipe down key boards phones and scanners and workstations when they take over from another staff member.
- If staff sick stay away from work.
- Only CSSD staff to enter into the department. (as per MoH requirements 1 May 2019)
- keep yourself safe in order to keep your colleagues and families safe.