About the NZSSA
Formation of the NZSSA
Sterile Services departments evolved from ward dressing
stations where nurses rolled bandages and cotton wool swabs in their
spare time.
In the 1950s and 60s this activity moved out of the
wards and into a centralised dressing area. Hardware, in the form
of Instruments and bowls, remained in the wards where they were
sterilised using boiling water. Steam Sterilisers, or
Autoclaves, were located in Operating Theatres and reserved for
surgical instruments, bowl sets and linen packs. At this time syringes
were made of glass and reprocessed on a daily basis, plastics had
yet to make an appearance, and disposable was an unknown
One of the first traditional C.S.S.D.s in New Zealand
was set up at Auckland Hospital in 1964. At about the same time
a far sighted Surgeon in Greymouth, on the South Islands West Coast,
established a fully centralised department. This unit processed
Theatre instruments, bowl sets and linen packs as well as ward supplies.
By the 1970s purpose built Sterile Supply departments were appearing
and the bringing together of sterilisation in one place was an established
concept. Ward boilers were being phased out.
Following approaches to the Director General of
Health, in 1973, three C.S.S.D. managers, two in Auckland and one,
at the other end of the country, in Invercargill came together to
discuss the formation of an association of sterile supply staff.
Out of that came the inaugural meeting in Auckland in August 1974
at which the Association was formed.
The objectives of the New Zealand Association of Sterile
Supply Personnel, as it was called, were the same then as those
now stated in Section 3 of the Constitution and Rules.
At that time the NZASSP also had an Industrial Relations
role and represented members at national negotiations seeking improved
pay and conditions. Sterile Services workers were employed under
a range of Agreements and the only thing they had in common was
uniformly low rates of pay. As the situation improved and a Determination
for Sterile Services, DG 28, was established the Association dropped
its IR role and concentrated on staff training and development.
This remains the primary focus of the NZSSA.
To view a section of the first AGM minutes
click here.
Some early images. Click to enlarge:
Affiliations: World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply - www.wfhss.com