NZ Sterile Services Association
Te Ratonga Whakahoromata Taputapu o Aotearoa

GS1 New Zealand Healthcare Fellowship 2015

GS1 New Zealand is offering a unique opportunity for one person working in New Zealand healthcare to attend the 26th Global GS1 Healthcare Conference in Mexico City, Mexico 21-23 April, 2015.

GS1 New Zealand will fund a return economy airfare for one person to the Mexico conference and one conference registration fee.

The recipient of the GS1 Healthcare fellowship is expected to fund their own accommodation and
other travel related expenses.

The Fellowship is by written application only and based on the requirements outlined in the
‘Apply Now’ section. All applications received by the due date will be reviewed and assessed by a judging panel based on the information received. Applicants must have a current passport and visas (if applicable).

Find out more about the conference -

Click here to view the printable flyer (PDF file)

NZSSA Annual Conference 2015

"Quality without compromise"

Planning for the annual conference is well underway. Click here for the registration form. You will note that the member costs have remained the same for 2015. Getting in early is good so now is a good time to book your accommodation of which there is a wide availability of options. Included in the advertising is a list of some within a 5 minute walk to Te Papa. Many centres in NZ have direct flights to Wellington and offer very good rates if you plan and book early. Also watch grab a seat!

Click here for the conference registration form.

Click here for conference information and check the website regularly for updates.

Conference organising committee for 2015 is:
Kerry Nicholls
Christopher Mumford
Nicki Quested
Alison Stewart