New Zealand Sterile Sciences Association
Review of the NZSSA Constitution and Rules
The NZSSA Constitution and Rules (C&R) are due to be reviewed. Information on this process will be available through the NZSSA Supplyline and website. Only NZSSA Members can put forward suggested changes to our C&R. If you have any queries, please contact either Maureen Scott or Aileen Derby. Their emails are on the Comments Form.
Please use the Comments Form to provide feedback. Deadline for comments is Friday 27 October 2023.
The Association’s objectives are:
3.1: To foster, promote and encourage interest amongst the members of the Association and others in the study of medical device reprocessing sciences.
3.2: To promote and encourage the implementation and upgrading of principles and practices of medical device reprocessing sciences.
3.3: To encourage the publication of any useful information relating to Sterile Sciences practices.
3.4: To promote conferences for the consideration of all questions concerning medical device reprocessing. .
3.5: To liaise with other sterilisation ‘Associations’ throughout the world in an effort to increase knowledge and understanding of medical device reprocessing sciences and to share that information with all members.
3.6 To work with government departments and regulatory authorities to improve practice and increase the understanding of medical device reprocessing sciences.