Executive membership

Executive membership

The National Executive is determined by clause 14 of the Constitution and Rules as set out below:


14.1 The affairs of the Association shall be administered by 10 members: a President, a Secretary and 8 members. The Vice President and the Treasurer are to be elected by the National Executive from the ten members elected. Members from outside hospital environments are to be encouraged to be on the National Executive.

14.2 The National Executive shall be elected through a process of nomination, or if necessary at the National Annual General meeting as set out in the clause following:

14.2.1 All members of the Executive including the President and Secretary are to be nominated and seconded in writing by two members of the Association who have paid their annual subscriptions.

14.2.2 Nominations must be presented to the Secretary three months prior to the tri-annual General Meeting of Elections.

14.2.3 Honorary and Associate Members are not eligible for election to the National Executive.

14.2.4 All nominees must signify their acceptance in writing to the National Secretary at the time of nomination.

14.2.5 All nominees shall also complete a declaration of conflict of interest as provided in Appendix 1.

14.2.6 If the number of qualified and eligible persons validly nominated is not more than the positions to be filled, the person so nominated shall be declared to be duly elected.

14.2.7 If the number of qualified and eligible persons validly nominated is greater than the positions to be filled, an election shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.

14.3 Following election, any member of the Executive is required to declare any conflict that arises during their term of office.

14.4 All members of the executive including the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for three years unless they retire earlier, but will be eligible for re-election.

14.5 Any Annual General Meeting shall have the power to vary the number of members in the National Executive.

For more details go to Constitution and Rules page.