Sterile Services Leaders' Meetings
Sterile Services Leaders Meetings are for staff with a leadership
role in their facility. This includes roles such as Manager, Team
Leader, Educator, Supervisor, Quality Facilitator, Senior Technician
etc. These meetings are an ideal opportunity to network with colleagues,
discuss issues at the forefront of our profession and continue personal
and department development through discussion and information sharing.
2013 Meetings - Planning for these meetings is underway
and if you wish to be notified by email of updates have your name
added to the contact list by providing your details to Shelagh.
Dates for 2013:
Friday 26 April, Wellington Airport
Friday 19 July, Harewood Room, Christchurch Airport
"Quality is the word"
09:30 - 14:30
Quality management - what is it?
What is quality in public health - directions?
Workshop - putting QM into practice
Please confirm your attendance to Alison Stewart by Friday 12 July
for catering purposes. Lunch will be at your own expense.
Being on the contact list also puts you in contact with other leaders
in NZ and keeps you up with meeting agendas and any queries being
placed to the group.
Terms of Reference. Click
here (PDF file 18kb)
We are grateful to Jackson Allison for their
ongoing sponsorship of these meetings and covering the costs
of venues and refreshments.