Membership classifications
Membership classifications to the NZ Sterile Sciences Association are listed below.
FOR 2024-2027 TERM
Section 14 of the NZSSA Constitution and Rules stipulates that the Officers and other Members of the Executive shall be elected every three years.
Once nominations have been received candidates will be published in the June 2024 edition of Supplyline for consideration by members who may then vote for their preferred candidates in the July 2024 elections.
Ratification of the new association executive will take place at the Annual General Meeting in September 2024.
Only current financial members are eligible to nominate or be nominated for the positions on the Executive.
For a full description of the association constitution and rules please go to:
To access the nomination form please click on this link: NZSSA Executive Nomination Form 2024
Membership Fee $60.00 from 1 January 2020
Overseas Technicians
If you are a technician working and living overseas you will only be granted membership status unless your qualification is deemed to be equivalent to the New Zealand (NZ) Certificate in Sterilising Technology (Level 4). If you are applying for jobs in NZ through the Immigration Green List criteria you need to have your qualification approved as equivalent to the NZ Certificate. To apply for equivalency you need to follow the process outlined on the careers page:
A person employed in the reprocessing of reusable medical devices in a Health Service Organisation (HSO), or is directly involved with the sterile sciences (ie education delivery, management of the service and who has paid the annual subscription.
Graduate Member
A technician who has graduated from the Sterilising Technology or recognized entry level sterile sciences qualification, and is officially recognized by the Association.
NOTE: Members working and living overseas, who hold an overseas qualification will not be recognised as a graduate member until their qualification has been approved as equivalent to the NZ Certificate in Sterilising Technology (Level 4). To apply for approval please visit the careers page:
Registered Member
A qualified technician who has applied for and gained registration and has paid the annual subscription. If registration is not maintained, the designation will revert to Graduate Member. Registered members shall pay the annual subscription.
NOTE: Members working and living overseas are not able to become registered members of the NZ Sterile Science Association.
Associated Member
Any member or employee of a body, organisation or company that is directly engaged in some aspect of medical device processing but who is not currently employed in a HSO, and who has paid the annual subscription.
Honorary Member
A person who, by unanimous vote of the National Executive, has been elected an Honorary Member by virtue of the fact that their membership will add prestige to the Association.
Life Member
Any person who, by unanimous vote, has been elected such by the National Executive in recognition of services rendered to the Association or its objectives or who has made any outstanding contribution to the practice of sterile sciences.
Application for NZSSA Membership
- Application for membership shall be submitted to the National Treasurer in writing on the appropriate form.
- Membership of the Association shall be effective upon approval of a completed form and receipt of the specified subscription.
Applying for membership
- Complete the online form or print off and complete the “Membership Application Form”.
- Email or post the completed form, along with $60, to the Treasurer at the address given.
- For payment options go to the Payments and Refund page.
Membership renewal
Membership renewal notices are sent to each member when they fall due.
For payment options go to the Payments and Refund page.