NZ Sterile Services Association
Te Ratonga Whakahoromata Taputapu o Aotearoa

Application for NZSSA Registration

Technician Registration Project

AIM: The NZSSA to become a 'Regulated Profession' either under the HPCA Act or through self-regulation.

Why Registration?

Over the last few decades sterilising as a profession has become more specialized and technical. More is expected from our Technicians in the work place, and the public expects more from us.

To become a regulated profession a lot of work will has to be undertaken. There are many steps/processes and requirements, but if as a profession we can achieve this, we will achieve our goal.

This project is in the information gathering stage and building of the project case. As part of the process it is necessary to demonstrate that there is a group of professionals participating in ongoing education and maintaining personal practice in line with the industry standards.

This is demonstrated through the Association encouraging all personnel employed in sterilising, Technicians through to managers, to become registered through the Association.

Do you want to be a Registered Technician?

It is a simple process and your registration stands for two years (if you register in February 2013 you do not need to apply again until February 2015):

  1. Become a member of the Association and maintain this membership. You will have to renew your membership annually.
  2. Graduate from the Certificate in Sterilising Technology Level 3 or an equivalent qualification recognised by the NZSSA.
  3. Maintain a record of continuing education, minimum of 20 hours over two years.
  4. Be employed in sterilising for a minimum of 40 hours over two years.
  5. Apply for registration using the application form either in January or July.

Below are the links to the forms you need to maintain a record of your continuing education and then apply for registration.

Click here for the Continuing Education and Practice form (PDF file)

Click here for the Application for registration form (PDF file)

Applications for registration are accepted twice a year:

  • 14 January to 25 February
  • 14 July to 25 August


Each applicant must have a minimum of 20 hours education over a 2 year period. Continuing education recognised for registration includes the following:

  • Inservice Sessions - either within sterile services or theatre where the topic is increasing the applicant's knowledge of sterilising or the environment.
  • Industry sponsored education - STEAM Meetings, Debugging the Bugs
  • Conference attendance - NZSSA annual conference or other associated with the industry
  • Regional education sessions
  • Web based research, webnar or quizz - education and information (maximum contribution to hours per application - 3 hrs)
  • Preparation of presentations/projects/articles which include references and/or research (maximum contribution to hours per application - 2 hours).

All continuing education must be documented on a record that identifies:

  • Date
  • Topic
  • Presenter
  • Duration
  • Learning comment - reflection by the applicant on the session

The entries on this record need to be supported by a certificate of attendance where possible.


In addition to continuing education the applicant must have completed a minimum of 40 hours practice within the two year period. Practice may be carried out in -

  • Sterile Services
  • Endoscopy
  • Dental services
  • or a service approved by the NZSSA

If you have any questions about registration feel free to contact the NZSSA executive.

Registered members of NZSSA

Click here to view (PDF file)