NZ Sterile Services Association
Te Ratonga Whakahoromata Taputapu o Aotearoa
Recommended Websites Project

PROJECT: Location and communication of useful websites for NZSSA technicians


  • To provide interesting websites for Sterile Services Personnel
  • To promote education within the sterilizing service
  • To encourage personnel to be pro-active in seeking further educational resources through the recommended websites

Sub Committee: Jackie Skudder

As technology increases particularly in relation to the availability of information the internet has proven to be a gold mine of information.

The association has taken the opportunity to provide a project team that will actively seek out useful sites of interest for NZSSA technicians and will provide these in the form of articles in the supplyline journal for all to use.

These sites will also be turned into useful links and assigned to the NZSSA website so as to build up a useful gateway for information.

More information will be posted on the Website as the process continues and please look for links on the useful links pages.